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Tuesday, January 01, 2008
year 2007 - 7:33 PM
ok it's been a really long time since i've updated. i've just been too caught up with activities and it's only now that i finally feel more settled and stuff.
i actually wrote a really long and draggy post on whats been happening in my life since i came back but i decided to delete it. i've been thinking for a while how meaningless my blog post have become. basically since i came back i've been spending time with my family, what with steamboat my mom prepared on the day i arrived, curry the nxt day, Ikoi buffet for christmas dinner, and den it was off to hongkong with the family. countdown was spent again, not with friends this year, but with my family. i did feel tempted to go for new year bash, or the celebration at roy's place, but thinking how my family only gets reunited like twice a yr, i thought it was better to stay home.
yeah well, anw, my sis flew home on the 1st, and i'm not quite sure when's the nxt time all of us would be together again, nor am i sure when's the nxt time i'd have time to go down to london to visit her. so from now onwards its all trying to catch up with everyone before i go back. i was just flipping through my organiser, and got kinda freaked out when i realised i'm flying back nxt nxt wk end. and i feel like i've been back for 1week only or sth :(
yeah well anw, i usually write a post at the end of the yr reflecting whats been happening for 2007 or sth. in general, 07 doesn't even feel like a yr at all. everything just seemed to drift by so fast. well to think abt it, i daresay from after As till the start of uni has been the best holiday of my ENTIRE LIFE. i'm sure you've read abt my endless ranting about how much i miss bintan holiday, the mahjong days/gym/chomps/liquid kitchen and together with the weekly saturday outings, food hunting with sam and the rest, shopping trips with hs, driving lessons and complaing abt the cheeko instructors.
and den there was the release of A level results, NUS interview, decision of King's vs Sheff, mango/zara/fox/g2000blu shopping spree for winter clothes, visa application, packing, which led to the ultimate flight on the 13th of September to London Heathrow, where dad drove me up to sheff with my severely overweight luggage.
i don't know how to start reflecting on the first 3mths of my overseas education journey. i can't seem to find the correct words to pen down how i exactly feel. i can honestly say that even before i flew home i was thinking abt the dread of flying back. school work and the course is fine and interesting and i really enjoy it [haven't had exams. haha] food wise, it's ok. i noe i appear to be a foodie fanatic to most ppl but honestly, i didn't miss sg food that badly, prolly coz i do my own cooking. i guess the people and the money has affected me most significantly. i can't seem to get along, or find ppl i can mix with and feel happy with in sheffield. it's probably just person A that's contributing to 40% of my misery. i noe as a reader you'd probably be thinking to urself that why dont' i just stop associating myself with person A, but its not that easy as our lives are rather interlinked. its not like in sg where you can just try to distance urself from people you think you cannot get along with, argh i don't know how to explain why its different. or maybe i'm just such a softie that i just rather chew and swallow my words. i don't know..
the other 40% of my misery was due to monetary issues. i keep blogging about how much i'm trying to scrimp and save. just to clarify, i do have more than enough money to last me the entire year, its just that trying to comply with mom's weekly budget of 50pounds and juggling my social life is proving too difficult for the puny brain of mine.
and finally, the last 20% of my misery is of coz due to the loneliness and how much i miss my family and friends. upon reflection, i came to the conclusion that its coz i've been having so much fun and spending so much time with my friends and family in the first half of the yr when i wasn't doing anything.
so i've been doing some serious thinking [don't be mistaken that my brain is only focussed on food :P], if i were to continue living like that when i'm back, i'd probably not survive 5yrs. [considering how i haven't been able to sleep and the hormonal aspect of my body has gone up in protest for 3months and counting]. i have to change my mindset towards certain things. like how i see most people are enjoying themselves overseas, i'm going to put in an effort to enjoy myself as well. 40% of misery due to personA, i can't think of a solution to it. 40% due to money, i'm going to have to try to relax abt it. i can't just keep thinking abt it and stressing myself up. and the other 20%, i'm sure it'll be better this term as school life has already been kinda established in a "routine"
and i guess that's about it. i sincerely hope and pray that 2008 would be a better year. let me be more mature and independent and more apt at handling issues.
and to end with are some pictures i took over the christmas.